How to Breathe
You wouldn’t think there’d be a tutorial on something as basic as breathing,.. every living person does it, right? But as it turns out, many people try to do this “deep breathing” thing, and don’t get the most out of it; then conclude that it doesn’t work. So, if you’ve tried this before, I encourage you to […]
Changing the Definition of Success
I have a new web cam being delivered today, so the companion video to this post will hopefully be in awesome HD video format! The video will go over the process of Deliberate Practice; a method of how to practice new skills to increase your abilities in any domain. This blog is my current focus of deliberate practice. […]
The Gift of Asking
“I don’t want to be a burden.”” “She’s got enough going on without adding my troubles to it.” “Why would anyone want to help me?” In my office, and in my life, I’ve watched a lot of people struggle with the weight of their problems all on their own. Like some sort of Sisyphean punishment, they […]
Trying new things
Thank you for exploring my website and welcome to my blog. I’ve never written for a blog before so, it seems fitting that the topic of this first entry is about trying new things, and especially, trying new things you’re not sure you’ll like. Starting this blog is not my only first today. I was […]